
时间:2024-01-04 15:56:11



英语高中作文300字 篇1

1. aside from 除...外(还有)

2. ask for the moon异想天开

3. at a loss 茫然,不知所措

4. at a time 一次,每次

5. at all costs 不惜一切代价

6. at all events 不管怎样,无论如何

7. at all times 随时,总是

8. at all 丝毫(不),一点也不

9. at any rate 无论如何,至少

10. at best 充其量,至多

11. at first sight 乍一看,初看起来

12. at first 最初,起先

13. at hand 在手边,在附近

14. at heart 内心里,本质上

15. at home 在家,在国内

16. at intervals 不时,每隔...

17. at large 大多数,未被捕获的

18. at last 终于

19. at least 至少

英语高中作文300字 篇2

no one understands the nature of love; it is like a bird of heaven that sings a strange language. it lights down among us, coming from whence we know not, going we know not how or when, striking out wild notes of music that make even fatigued and heavy hearts to throb and give back a tone of courage.

the sorts and kinds of love are infinite in number, infinite as the days of the years of time. each one of us is capable of many and various loves. we cannot love two creatures, not two dogs, with the same love. to each of those whom we love we offer a gem of different colour and value;

英语高中作文300字 篇3

My uncle has been in America for quite a few years. He used to live in Pudong. He wanted to come back to his homeland very much. Iast summer he came to Shanghai and I took him to visit Pudong. He said the streets became wider and the buildings became higher.

I told him, "Many people have moved into new and big flats. It is very convenient to go shopping here." He couldn't find his old house. He said, "What GREat changes!" He decided to stay and spend the rest of his life in Shanghai.

英语高中作文300字 篇4










